Monday, April 27, 2009

Translation for LCDO 58

↑加地くんの笑顔に癒されるなァ( ̄▽ ̄)。o0○「え…ええと、それでよければ多数決を……」香穂子:「よっ…よよよよよよ よくないですっ!!いいわけないっ」「ダメかな?似合うと思うな、日野さん」「加地くんっ(汗)」…加地くんのロミオ見たい!! 王子キャラだし絶対似合うo(@^◇^@)o香穂子のジュリエットも見たいんだけど…それは無理? さすがに香穂子が気の毒だよね( ̄∇ ̄;)  香穂子のクラスは文化祭の出し物何になるんだろう? まさか本当に「ロミ&ジュリ」に決まっちゃう??土浦:「あー俺のクラスにまで広まってたぜ。ソレ」「!!嘘っ」「本当だって」「うわ~恥ずかしいなぁ、もう」「加地なあ…あいつヤル事が、いちいち目立つんだよな。派手な奴…で、やるのか?ジュリエット」「やらないよっ(汗)…と言っても、まだ消えてないけど…」…ちなみに土浦くんのクラスは「お化け屋敷」に決定!文化祭でコンクール参加者全員で演奏することに決まった。「ええっ全員で演奏って初めてじゃないですか!?うわあ豪華メンバーですね!!みんなの演奏、今から楽しみだなぁ」香穂子はワクワクして、スゴク嬉しそう。満面の笑顔なんだけど…―ヤバイ。このままだと確実に私が足をひっぱる…よね?―次の瞬間、青ざめてしまった(><) 香穂子、頑張って!!ふぁいとぉー!!┗(  ̄◇ ̄)乂( ̄皿 ̄ )bいっぷぁーつ!!吉羅:「2日目のメインとして、屋外ステージで演奏してもらうことに決定した。あれだけ盛り上がった今回の学内コンクールだ。我が学院のアピールには、またとない場だと思う」金澤:「そういや、毎年お偉いさんとか来るしなぁ…教育委員会やらOBやら…」「そうです。そのことを頭において、選曲や練習の仕切りも君たちに任せたい。君たちになら出来ると期待している。がっかりさせないでくれ」…ああ、理事長がプレッシャーを; ̄ロ ̄)!!「ああ…それと月森くんには優勝者として、ソロも演奏してもらう。留学前にステージで弾く、最後の演奏になるかも、しれないな。楽しみにしているよ、月森くん」火原:「ええええええっ月森くん留学するの!?聞いてないよ~」…聞かされてない参加者が多いのに、吉羅理事あっさり堂々と言っちゃったね。―コンクールまで時間もないってのに…―「イマイチ…か。情けねぇな。それに加えて、文化祭で演奏だっけ?あと2ヶ月ねーじゃんか。ったくコンクールの半月前だっての」―まあ…問題は俺よりも日野か。大丈夫かぁ?アイツ…―「月森の留学って、コンクールの後…だったよな」―アイツは…何を思ったんだろうな。月森の留学を知って…―文化祭・コンクール・留学…激動の二学期。 土浦くんもだけど、みんな忙しそう…(〃´o`)=3柚木:「知っていたんだね。月森くんの事。そういえば土浦くんも知っていたみたいだね。おそらく彼も月森くん本人から、聞いたんじゃないかな…?何だかんだと仲が悪そうに見えて、お互い無視できない…と言うか本人たちは否定しそうだけど、同い年同士、いいライバル関係なんだろうね。ああ…同い年と言ったら、君もライバルかな?」「やめて下さいよ……今の私じゃ、とてもとても(汗)」「今の…って事は、いずれはそうなる、つもりなんだ?」「あっ揚げ足を、とらないで下さいよっ」「おや。生意気になったものだね。口答えかい?」「!!そんなんじゃ…」「いーや。生意気だね。一丁前に落ち込んでる…だろう、お前」…はぁ柚木先輩するどいなァ。先輩には敵わない(≧∇≦)ъ 「月森の留学の話…お前なら、もっと単純に喜ぶかと思ったよ。“すごい” “頑張って”―ってね。まぁ…そんなお前に免じて、今なら愚痴の一つや二つ、聞いてやらないこともないよ?」…柚木先輩イジワルなんだか、優しいんだか(*^m^*)「私…月森くんが留学するって聞いた時、寂しいのか悔しいのか羨ましいのか自分でもよく分らなかったんです。もちろん…スゴイね…頑張ってねって言いたいんです私だって。でも…素直にそう思えない自分がいて。それが、もどかしくて…なんて月森くんにしてみたら、迷惑な話ですよね」「迷惑かどうかは知らないけれど、これから大変なのは実際、彼の方だからね」「柚木先輩なら…もしも、それが火原先輩だったら、どうしますか…?」「もしも、それが大切な人だったら、頑張って欲しいから応援するよ。自分の感情より優先すべき事だろう? それが一番その人のためだと思うならね。寂しいくらい我慢するさ」「柚木先輩は…やめませんよね?音楽…」「お前が心配するような事は、何もないよ」「何か言いたい事があるんだったら、月森くんのところへ行けばいい。辛気臭いお前なんて、うっとおしいだけだよ。香穂子?」「いってきます(怒)」香穂子のアゴを持ち上げられて、最後はからかわれたカンジでした。それなのに「ありがとうございます…柚木先輩」とお礼する香穂子。良い子(゚∇^d)「本当に…生意気だね。あーあ…火原、頑張らないと」香穂子が立ち去ったあと、柚木先輩はつぶやきました。でもさ何で火原先輩? 柚木先輩は香穂子の事、もういいの?柚木先輩に相談して、ふっきれた感じの香穂子(^^)香穂子は月森くんを応援する事しか出来ないけれど、気持ちを伝えた。「私…月森くんに負けないくらい、こっちで頑張るから、音楽続けていくから…だから月森くんも頑張ってね。ずっと応援してるから。向こうでの活躍、楽しみにしてるから…留学おめでとう、月森くん」これで笑顔でお別れ…できそう??けれど、「…ありがとう。日野…」と答えた月森くんが、何だか寂しそう。・°°・(((p(≧□≦)q)))・°°・。

My next translation project..

「僕がロミオなら、ジュリエットは是非日野さんに あ、できたら…席替えも」
(scan of Kaji saying that)

↑加地くんの笑顔に癒されるなァ( ̄▽ ̄)。o0○


香穂子:「よっ…よよよよよよ よくないですっ!!いいわけないっ」



…加地くんのロミオ見たい!! 王子キャラだし絶対似合うo(@^◇^@)o香穂子のジュリエットも見たいんだけど…それは無理? 

さすがに香穂子が気の毒だよね( ̄∇ ̄;)  香穂子のクラスは文化祭の出し物何になるんだろう? まさか本当に「ロミ&ジュリ」に決まっちゃう??











次の瞬間、青ざめてしまった(><) 香穂子、頑張って!!
ふぁいとぉー!!┗(  ̄◇ ̄)乂( ̄皿 ̄ )bいっぷぁーつ!!




…ああ、理事長がプレッシャーを; ̄ロ ̄)!!





文化祭・コンクール・留学…激動の二学期。 土浦くんもだけど、みんな忙しそう…(〃´o`)=3










「月森の留学の話…お前なら、もっと単純に喜ぶかと思ったよ。“すごい” “頑張って”―ってね。まぁ…そんなお前に免じて、今なら愚痴の一つや二つ、聞いてやらないこともないよ?」





「もしも、それが大切な人だったら、頑張って欲しいから応援するよ。自分の感情より優先すべき事だろう? それが一番その人のためだと思うならね。寂しいくらい我慢するさ」





香穂子のアゴを持ち上げられて、最後はからかわれたカンジでした。それなのに 「ありがとうございます…柚木先輩」とお礼する香穂子。良い子(゚∇^d)


香穂子が立ち去ったあと、柚木先輩はつぶやきました。でもさ何で火原先輩? 柚木先輩は香穂子の事、もういいの?





Monday, October 13, 2008


CLAMP, I hate you. Or rather, I hate your habit of never allowing any of the couples you create and draw so beautifully, ever to have a happy ending. Look at the tally- Ashura-Ou is fated to kill Yasha-Ou in RG Veda, Hideki and Chii get to be together only under an extreme qualification in Chobits, Kotori dies a gruesome death in X as a result of Kamui's choice (and if he'd made an alternative choice, he'd have had to kill her himself) while Karen pines for a married Aoki, and let's not even start on Sorata and Arashi, Yuzuriha and Kusanagi, and the ultimate tragic couple- Subaru and Seishirou across two separate series (Tokyo Babylon and X- they haven't met in Tsubasa) and in Tsubasa itself, Clone Syaoran stabs the love of his life to death- all this while we don't even know everything the real pair have been through). In all of this, there was a grand total of one pair of leads in a series that got what looked like a happy ending- Syaoran and Sakura in Cardcaptor Sakura. And now I discover that they got killed in a car accident as Watanuki's parents! My only consolation is that they're probably an alternate-dimensional version of the CCS pair we know and love and CCS!SyaoSaku are safe somewhere in Yuuko's dimension and haven't grown up yet (going by her comment in xxxHolic Vol. 1 about wanting to meet the girl and her boyfriend- not husband, boyfriend)
CLAMP, I really hate you.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tsubasa 198

First off, I'd like to record a HUGE sigh of relief that Tsubasa 198 is finally here! Now, on to the actual subject of the post, but first: one big squeeeeeeeeeee for the first page! (above) Chibi Kuro-pon, Fai and Syaoran are so adorable, they need to be glomped at once. Especially Syaoran* (awwwww!), and it's lovely to see Fai as a happy kid, especially after the childhood he had.
After a break of nearly ten chapters, we finally see Kurogane and Fai again, since Syaoran's snapped back to the present after telling them his story, with Sakura doomed by the black feather seal. I was afraid the flashback would end there, but CLAMP know they've got a lot more explaining to do for young 'Syaoran'- so it's back to his memory again, and on that point; well done, ladies. I know a lot of sites said Tsubasa and xxxHolic were supposed to be complete by the end of this year, but there's absolutely no way that's happening with the current storyline- it's defnitely going to take over two volumes more to figure things out, let alone wrap them up. The storyline isn't at a point that feels like a wrap-up yet...
On a second note: Syaoran hugs Sakura! Awwwwwwwwwww....there's a reason why they're one of my favourite manga couples of all time, and it's just this: they're so fantastic together. I know TRC gets a lot of flak from CLAMP fans and non-fans alike for being long-winded (what do you expect, it's 25 volumes!) and having fanservice (duh, CLAMP said they were featuring AU versions of characters from every series they'd ever written!), but to me, it's the new spin on Syaoran and Sakura that really got me reading, and it's the biggest part of what keeps me glued to IRC looking for the next chapter. They've gone from cutesy funny to epic, and gone that way successfully too- not an easy thing when its essentially the same people you're reading from a diffeent series (and I speak as a pre-chapter 189 reader).
*and here's my impetus to write yet another story at about Kero and Syaoran. I tried Kero and Toya last time, and it seemed to work nicely but Kero-Syaoran is equally funny.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Squiggles of Manga Theory:Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, in all the years that I've been following it, has always been a little bit of a tangle for me to figure out (for a start, the name- why Reservoir?). The CLAMP multiversing isn't what does it- it's just the fact that things are really messed up in that world.
1. For a start, there's the issue of just who "Syaoran" and "Sakura" really are. I, along with the rest of the CLAMP fandom, was pretty sure they were AU Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura, but Chapters 189 and 191 shot that one to pieces- the child who later gets imprisoned by Fei Wang Reed is actually the son of Syaoran and Sakura, and the princess he meets upon his arrival in Clow Country isn't actually named Sakura, she just says that's her name.
2. Just which dimension did that kid "Syaoran" come from, anyway? Chapter 189 sees him walking into Yuko's shop, having been sent there after his mother had a dream. But 192 shows "Syaoran's" use of some kind of spell involving a square compass like the one Syaoran Li uses in CCS, which makes it seem like he was sent to Yuko's world from another dimension- and that his parents are another AU CCS Syaoran and Sakura. Which makes sense, since Yuko, in Volume 1 or 2 of xxxHolic, says something about wanting to meet 'that cute girl and her boyfriend' who lived in her world, the 'cute girl' being the owner of Sakura's card-sealing wand from CCS- Sakura Kinomoto herself. Also, the reference to a 'boyfriend' would sound out of place for someone who had a seven-year-old child, wouldn't it?
3. The timeline- what the hell happened? I'm sure CLAMP intends us to ask this question, but I really badly want to know- what on earth could have warped the timeline so completely that Fujitaka is "Sakura's" father in the original timeline, but the Clone Syaoran's adoptive father in the altered one (with Clow Reed as the cloned Sakura-hime's father)? What happened to Fujitaka and Nadeshiko in the original timeline- did they die? (they needn't have). And, among other things, who is the person Clow misses, and wants to see? (somewhere in Chapter 130/140-something, when Sakura gets a feather back, she remembers) I'm curious...could it be Yuko?
4. The names. It's funny that both the child who gets sent to Clow Country and the princess he meets there don't give out their true names, even to each other- xxxHolic did once go on about the importance of true names....and now it turns out that not one of the travellers who began the journey, gave out their true names- Fai was Yuii all along, Kurogane Youou, and the Clone Sakura and Clone Syaoran are both clones of people who didn't disclose their true names to each other when they first met. Wonder if not having the 'true' names of their prototypes affects the nature of the Clones...
5. What's happened to Clone Syaoran? He hasn't been heard from since Clone Sakura's soul dissolved into petals (does that mean she's dead, then? But the Clone body she had is still in existence, while the real princess's body disappeared on being cloned, according to Fei Wang Reed. So there's the real princess's soul in that glass tube, a cloned body with Dr Kyle and Fei Wang Reed...looks like at least one couple will not get a happy ending in this manga).

Arrrgh, this is confusing...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Statement Of Intention

Anyone who came here looking for the real Nonsense On Stilettos, go here please. It's my very own fashion blog that's been up and running since January 2007, and I'm the one who came up with the name after thinking about a possible fashion spin on Jeremy Bentham's famous postulate that the idea of natural human rights was nothing more than 'nonsense on stilts' (the name of yet another of my blogs).
Now I'm slightly hacked off that some high-schooler twit has stolen it to use as the url and name of her wannabe blog, and there is no way on earth I will believe that she came up with it on her own, since for seventeen months any internet search for any variations of 'nonsense on stilettos' led to only one place- my blog! I should really have registered that url ages ago (can one hold copyrights on the invented title of a blog?), but I'm doing the next best thing and installing this as a url placeholder of sorts. If I ever use it for anything, it might be to blather about manga every once in a blue moon, but remember this, children- the real Nonsense On Stilettos belongs to Blue Floppy Hat, and this is where I mark my claim. Anyone else= a bit fat phony.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Utter Nonsense

This blog is just a placeholder for templates as of now.